Together for driving sports... we are very pleased to announce that Zilco Europe has officially entered into a cooperation with Hippoevent from September 1st, 2024!
This partnership serves to promote driving sport, and the Teams from Zilco Europe and Hippoevent are highly motivated to start this cooperation.


Zilco-Logo-NEWZilco Europe is passionate about driving sports. With over 60 years of experience in driving products, the Zilco Europe Team knows what drivers, horses and ponies need to succeed in this sport, whether you are just starting out or participating in national and international competitions. Just take a look at WEBSITE von Zilco Europe.


Through this partnership, Zilco Europe and Hippoevent are committed to supporting the driving sport worldwide and encouraging newcomers to discover the joys of driving ponies and horses, either as a sport or as a relaxing pastime to enjoy the countryside with the horses and ponies.

The Hippoevent team is pleased to have Zilco Europe as a global partner in driving sports - which enables us to provide you with up-to-date and detailed information about events in driving sports from all over the world, as well as insights behind the scenes and information about driving sports products.

The first major joint project between Zilco Europe and Hippoevent is the coverage of the 2024 FEI Single Horse World Championship, in which Zilco Europe is supporting the Hippoevent Team. For this world Championship, which will take place from September 19-22, 2024 in Le Pin, France, we have decided to report in a more modern and extensive way than ever before.

Together for Driving Sports: Zilco Europe & Team Hippoevent!



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