CAIO/CAI Kladruby nad Labem CZE 2025


Das Fahrturnier, bei dem Sie zu Beginn der Saison 2025 dabei sein müssen!

Wir sehen uns @ CAIO/CAI Kladruby nad Labem, CZE – 23. – 27. April 2025

videoVIDEOS fotoPHOTOSThe old and new Worldchampion...Boyd Exell AUS - Nationteam NED - HUN - GER Congratulations!

result FINALRESULT ABC  Nationteam  → all RESULTS  Die FEI Weltmeisterschaften der Vierspänner 2016 vom 31. August bis 4. September in den Niederlanden, in Breda. 




   gbr FEI allows more individual competitors at World Driving Championship Four-in-Hand... 6 individual competitors allowed by country, host country Netherlands may to select 9!

During the FEI World Driving Championships presented by Outdoor Brabant from August 31st until September 4th in Breda, the FEI allows 6 individual competitors per nation, more than previous worldchampionships. Host country, The Netherlands, is allowed to select 9 competitors.


Marie de Ronde-Oudemans, show secretary for the FEI World Driving Championships and the other sports disciplines in Breda, is very pleased: "Every country can now participate with more than the 3 or 4 drivers competing in the national team. We want to give as many competitors as possible the chance to drive at these championships. Netherlands is a real driving country. We expect that other strong driving nations such as Germany, Hungary and our neighbours Belgium will certainly use this opportunity too. For the spectators it will be great to watch 75 rides instead of only 45."



On Wednesday the 31st of August the vet check is scheduled followed by the official opening ceremony. Thursday the 1st and Friday the 2nd of September are dominated by the dressage competitions. On Saturday the four-in-hand drivers will compete during the spectacular marathon and on Sunday the final show down will happen during the cones competition. Besides the FEI World Driving Championship there are national dressage and jumping competitions scheduled. Furthermore there are several side events planned, f.e. the third edition of the After Summer Lounge on Thursday night and all days there is an Outdoor Fair with nice stands, bars and restaurants.

Ticket sales

Tickets are available for the individual competition days and a pass partout for all the days of the FEI World Championship Four-in-Hand. Access to the showground is free on Wednesday the 31st of August. Special tickets are available for the After Summer Lounge on Thursday.

The online ticket sale is enabled by the technology of Outdoor Brabant partner CM.Payments. When ordering an e-ticket via de website, the buyer receives a cashless card that gives access to the free transport from and to Breda train station and access to the showground. Furthermore this card can be used for payments during at the venue the event. The cashless card grants participation to the international loyalty program from Lyoness offering attractive discounts at Lyoness’ partners.

About Outdoor Brabant _FEI World Driving Championship Four-in-Hand

Outdoor Brabant is the largest equestrian outdoor event in the Netherlands taking place from the 31st of August until the 4th of September. The program is concentrated around the FEI World Driving Championship Four-in-Hand.

Outdoor Brabant is a well visited event and known or the great atmosphere at the Outdoor Fair and the important networking opportunities for businesses. The event gives athletes the opportunity to perform at their utmost best in their discipline. Visitors have the opportunity to enjoy equestrian sports at world level in the beautiful surroundings of the Prinsenhoeve and the nice offering of lifestyle products, bars and restarants at the Outdoor Fair. Sponsors have discovered Outdoor Brabant as thé networking event after the summer holidays with excellent hospitality possibilities to create and maintain contacts.






gbr 100 days to go...60 athletes from 18 countries compete for the World Driving Championship titles in Breda. In exactly 100 days the FEI World Driving Championship Four-in-Hand starts at the Prinsenhoeve Estate in Breda. Around 60 athletes from 18 countries are expected to compete  individually and as team for the World titles from 31st of August until te 4th of September.

The Dutch team will defend their World title in Breda. The team with IJsbrand Chardon, Theo Timmerman and Koos de Ronde, led by chef d'equipe Harry de Ruyter, won the gold medal during the FEI World Equestrian Games in 2014. Last year the trio prolonged the European team title in Aachen. With 5 World titles, the Dutch team is one of the favorites this year in Breda.  

For the individual competition, Australian Boyd Exell, who is based in the Netherlands, is the reigning world champion and four-in-hand driver to beat. This three time World Champion is tough competition for the Dutch drivers, including four time World Champion IJsbrand Chardon. Furthermore the Germand Four-in-hand driver Michael Brauchle may have high aspirations after wining the European title in Aachen last year.

 “In 100 days fro now, the FEI World Driving Championship Four-in-Hand could become exceptionally thrilling” says tournament director John de Vos. “Four-in-hand driving is always a spectacle involving driving skills, speed, power and agility in a perfect balance. But right now all top drivers are highly motivated to win the 2016 FEI World Driving Championship. Yet I would not be surprised if the battle is not limited to these favorites this year.”



On Wednesday the 31st of August the vet check is scheduled followed by the official opening ceremony. Thursday the 1st and Friday the 2nd of September are dominated by the dressage competitions. On Saturday the four-in-hand drivers will compete during the spectacular marathon and on Sunday the final show down will happen during the cones competition. Besides the FEI World Driving Championship there are national dressage and jumping competitions scheduled. Furthermore there are several side events planned, f.e. the third edition of the After Summer Lounge on Thursday night and all days there is an Outdoor Fair with nice stands, bars and restaurants.


Ticket sales

Tickets are available for the individual competition days and a pass partout for all the days of the FEI World Championship Four-in-Hand. Access to the showground is free on Wednesday the 31st of August. Special tickets are available for the After Summer Lounge on Thursday.

The online ticket sale is enabled by the technology of Outdoor Brabant partner CM.Payments. When ordering an e-ticket via de website, the buyer receives a cashless card that gives access to the free transport from and to Breda train station and access to the showground. Furthermore this card can be used for payments during at the venue the event. The cashless card grants participation to the international loyalty program from Lyoness offering attractive discounts at Lyoness’ partners.



Facts & Figures FEI World Driving Championship Four-in-Hand

- First WC in  1972 (in Haras du Pin)

- Since then 22 World Championships of which: 

• 5 in the Netherlands 

• 1976, 1982, 1988 Apeldoorn

• 1994 WEG Den Haag

• 2008 Beesd

• 7 World Equestrian Games

- Dutch World Champions: 

• 1976 & 1982: Tjeerd Velstra

• 1988, 1992, 2002 & 2008: IJsbrand Chardon

- 2016 – Breda, participating: 

• Current World Champion individually: Boyd Exell (three times World Champion – 2010, 2012 & 2014)

• Current World Champion theam: The Netherlands (since 2007 undefeated on EC & WC level)

-  2016 – Breda, general information:

o   Course designer: Jeroen Houterman (NED)

o   Judges: 

• Andrew Counsel (GBR) – president

• Henk van Amerongen (NED)

• Hanspeter Rüschlin (SUI)

• Rainer Wannenwetsch (GER)

• Jiri Kunat (CZE)

o   FEI TD: Richard Nicoll (USA)





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