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BREAKING NEWS ZEISKAM GER: Das Fahrturnier in Zeiskam, mit den Deutschen Meisterschaften der Ponygespanne 2024, musste abgebrochen werden. Zum Wohle der Pferde und Ponys, und als Sicherheitsmassnahme für die Aktiven, hat das OK die schwere Entscheidung getroffen, das Turnier abzubrechen. Die starken Regenfälle der letzten Stunden, haben eine faire und verantwortungsvolle Austragung unmöglich gemacht.

result all RESULTS in Detail foto PHOTOS DAY 5-Prizegiving Cones shortly! Day4  Day3  Day2  Day1 by Cathy & Martyn Willis | Swingletree Photography The One & Only... Royal Windsor Horse Show May 9 - 11, 2018 The Land Rover International Driving Grand Prix - the CAIO - is taking place in the private grounds of Windsor Castle.

All CAIO information on in cooperation with | Philippe Lienart

Book your tickets -> LINK


Book your tickets for RWHS 2018 -> LINK

All information on the Website of the RWHS -> LINK


The Land Rover International Driving Grand Prix is one of the most important driving events in the UK, and is also a FEI World CupTM qualifier. There are three stages to the competition. The driven dressage involves the team driving a set series of movements and takes place on the Thursday and Friday of the Show. The marathon stage takes place on the Saturday. This challenging stage includes eight obstacles which are driven round at speed and is one of our most popular events. The final stage is the cone driving on Sunday where teams must drive through narrowly spaced pairs of cones in a set time.



HE ConesBox 512

Trainingsbeispiele - Parcourspläne der FEI Course Designer

Setz Dir ein Ziel. Mach Dir einen Plan... und trainiere!


HE drivingsportinfo 512 - der Fahrsport Kalender mit allen Tunrier Informationen 


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