hun Négyesfogatok látványos kombinált show hajtása Bugacon

gbr Four in Hand Show Driving in Bugac, Hungary...a very special combined driving competition organized by Abonyi Imre Fogathajtó és Lovas Sportegyesület. It was the 8th annual driving event to the memory of Imre Abonyi, who was a very talented European champion four-in-hand driver.

Six teams competed in the combined driving event. The athletes had to drive a jeep, ride a bike and drive their horses through 2 marathon obstacles and 8 cones. 

1. jun. László Juhász (195,80)

2. József Dobrovitz (197,54)

3. jun. József Dobrovitz (201,26)

4. Szabolcs Viszus (201,71)

5. László Juhász (255,92)

6. The team of the local government (324,01)


Great Photos by Attila Horváth

  • AbonyiImreFogathajto
  • AbonyiImreFogathajto2
  • AbonyiImreFogathajto3
  • AbonyiImreFogathajto4
  • AbonyiImreFogathajto5
  • AbonyiImreFogathajto6
  • AbonyiImreFogathajto7
...more nice photos by Attila Horváth → WEBSITE





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