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BREAKING NEWS ZEISKAM GER: Das Fahrturnier in Zeiskam, mit den Deutschen Meisterschaften der Ponygespanne 2024, musste abgebrochen werden. Zum Wohle der Pferde und Ponys, und als Sicherheitsmassnahme für die Aktiven, hat das OK die schwere Entscheidung getroffen, das Turnier abzubrechen. Die starken Regenfälle der letzten Stunden, haben eine faire und verantwortungsvolle Austragung unmöglich gemacht.

hun pdf-> LINK   gbr Tamás Tóth, the Hungarian Chef d'Equipe for pairs and four-in-hands, was awarded with the title of the Chef d'Equipe of the Year by the Hungarian Equestrian Federation this weekend, by Vilmos Lázár, President of the Hungarian Federation, and Kristóf Szotyori Nagy the Vice President.
Traditionally the Federation appoints the best leader from all disciplines every year. The Hungarian national team of four-in-hands gained the 2nd place at the prestigious Aachen CAIO4* event and won bronze medal in WEG, Normandy. These results could be reached because of team spirit, it was the base for the success and the Chef d'Equipe did his best to create this teamwork!
awardTamás Tóth said that this award was a great honour for him. He is continuing his tasks because 2015 is going to be a more complex year in the life of driving sport in Hungary! They are on the way to be more successful, have goals and ambitions to achieve better results.


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Trainingsbeispiele - Parcourspläne der FEI Course Designer

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